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What's Coming This Fall...

Somehow, it's already September.

Our summer of new Reading Is Resistance experiments is winding down and we are looking forward to the fall. In our final Coffee Conversation of the summer (hosted by the lovely folx at Two Rivers Bookstore), Farnell and I revealed some of our upcoming plans. If you missed this conversation the firs time around, we hope you take a moment to watch and get a sneak peek.

We hope you'll also take a look at our September Book Boxes and add some of our picks to your home or classroom library.

These books have been carefully selected based on the Teaching Tolerance Social Justice Standards. We will be creating content on these books and linking to related resources throughout the month to extend the learning!

Note: We have created a Reading Is Resistance affiliate Book Shop to help us get books into your hands AND to support our work and that of independent book shops nation-wide. 10% of books purchased through our shop will get donated back to our organization, and another 10% goes out to independent book shops. We'd love to have your support!


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