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How to interest a child in reading

Updated: Apr 28, 2020

Keeping children reading can be difficult when children don’t want to read by themselves. Teachers are trying their best to keep children interested in reading, but if kids are only reading in school and not at home, they may really lose the chance to develop their reading skills – especially when summer comes along. However, there are ways to help.

GreatSchools featured an article consisting of parents letting other parents know how they got their children to read. Some of the tips include reading with the kid aloud and discussing a chapter after finishing it. Another idea is to introduce them to a book series. This could help them become intrigued in a series and encourage them to continue reading to finish it.

Another useful suggestion is to find out what a child likes. In this article by PBS Parents, they suggest finding out what a kid would like. Start off small, such as buying the child a magazine for their hobby and seeing if they learn anything interesting from an article they find on their own.

Kids can be either fall into a group where they love to read or they just don’t like it. In an article for the Washington Post, Valerie Strauss highlights some statistics related to children that read. The research shows that reading aloud with children at a young age will teach them to love reading. While only 86% of parents say that reading is important, only 46% of kids in this research said the same thing. But with some help, children can start to read independently and love it too. What are some ways you have found useful for helping kids become more interested in reading?


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